Documenting Cardano: a single source of developer truth, fit for the future
2020年 7月 1日 3 分で読めます
With yesterday’s release of the first Shelley-complete node on the Cardano mainnet, a new era has begun. Between this, the launch today of a brand new Cardano website and brand identity, and tomorrow’s Cardano Virtual Summit, the dawn of Shelley is casting fresh light on IOHK's future. It has also highlighted the need for a documentation framework fit for our rapidly growing…
Bringing the community together for the Cardano Virtual Summit 2020: Shelley Edition
Celebrating the journey and making way for the future with IOHK
2020年 6月 30日 4 分で読めます
Shelley has arrived and IOHK is gearing up to celebrate with the Cardano Virtual Summit 2020: Shelley Edition on July 2nd and 3rd. Every presentation, panel and guest speaker at this online event, has been chosen to represent the many faces of Cardano. From world-class foundational research to the latest advances in cryptographic development; from the passion and dedication of…
Iterating for growth with IOHK research
Building key values into the Cardano ecosystem
2020年 6月 25日 11 分で読めます
Setting solid parameter values – while maintaining flexibility for the future – will be key to the growth and ongoing decentralization of Cardano. After consulting with the community, and working closely with my colleagues Kevin Hammond and Alex Appledoorn, we believe we’ve identified a good place to start.
The behavior of Cardano Shelley is controlled by around 20 parameters…
The Ouroboros path to decentralization
The protocol that powers Cardano and its design philosophy
2020年 6月 23日 6 分で読めます
Designing and deploying a distributed ledger is a technically challenging task. What is expected of a ledger is the promise of a consistent view to all participants as well as a guarantee of responsiveness to the continuous flow of events that result from their actions. These two properties, sometimes referred to as persistence and liveness, are the hallmark of distributed…
Integrating and advancing with Adrestia
Taking the challenge out of fast-paced blockchain development
2020年 6月 15日 4 分で読めます
For exchanges and developer partners, integrating with any blockchain can be challenging. The technology often moves so quickly that keeping up with the pace of change can be unrealistic. Cardano’s development and release process are now driving things forward apace. Managing parallel software development workstreams moving at different speeds can feel a bit like changing the…
Cardano憲法:制定会議から批准までの道のり 筆者: Fernando Sanchez
27 February 2025
Plutus TxがPlinthに衣替え 筆者: Ziyang Liu
20 February 2025
IO ResearchのCardanoビジョン、Intersectプロダクト委員会によりフィードバックを求めてコミュニティに提出 筆者: Fergie Miller
5 February 2025