The abstract nature of the Cardano consensus layer

This new series of technical posts by IOHK's engineers considers the choices being made

2020年 5月 28日 Edsko de Vries 21 分で読めます

The abstract nature of the Cardano consensus layer

As we head towards Shelley on the Cardano mainnet, we’re keen to keep you up to date with the latest news. We also want to highlight the tireless work going on behind the scenes, and the team of engineers responsible.

In this Developer Deep Dive series of occasional technical blogs, we open the floor to IOHK's engineers. Over the months ahead, our Haskell developers will offer a…

Building new standards for privacy and scalability

IOHK joins the conversation around zero-knowledge proofs at the ZKP Workshop

2020年 5月 20日 Brian McKenna 6 分で読めます

Building new standards for privacy and scalability

Building privacy and agency

In the age of information capitalism, data is a commodity which needs to be protected on an individual and global level. Every time someone makes a purchase, logs into an account, or accesses a website, metadata is connected to their individual IP address. Mass amounts of information move around the world every second but if it is not secured through…

How pledging will keep Cardano healthy

Warding off attacks on the decentralized blockchain is just one benefit of the process

2020年 5月 12日 Lars Brünjes 5 分で読めます

How pledging will keep Cardano healthy

As we approach Shelley on the Cardano mainnet, decentralization has, inevitably, become a topic of debate. Regardless of any initial founding intent, proof-of-work cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have become more centralized over time. The early days of Bitcoin enthusiasts mining blocks at the weekend are long gone and today we see a small group of specialized…

From Byron to Shelley: part two, the journey to the mainnet

Continuing on to Shelley with the decentralization of block production

2020年 5月 11日 Kevin Hammond 5 分で読めます

From Byron to Shelley: part two, the journey to the mainnet

Today, we’re kicking off the ‘Friends & Family’ testnet, which will allow us to establish a robust network to test and iterate, before we roll it out to the wider community. We’ve gathered a small number of around 20 ‘pioneers’ to help us with this important initial work. By the time you probably read this, they’ll be briefed and we’ll have things underway.

In my last blog, I…


Duncan CouttsとEdsko de Vriesが紹介する舞台裏

2020年 5月 7日 Anthony Quinn 13 分で読めます


昨年インセンティブ付きテストネットの公開がShelley(シェリー)期の到来を告げて以来、Cardanoプラットフォームの開発スピードは加速しています。Cardano Byron(バイロン)と暗号通貨ADAを30か月にわたりサポートしてきたOuroboros Classic(ウロボロスクラシック)コンセンサスプロトコルは、Cardanoの分散化に伴い初期のShelleyにパワーを与えるプルーフオブステーク(PoS)プロトコルバージョン、Ouroboros Praos(ウロボロスプラオス)にまもなく切り替わります。これにより、ステーキングプロセスに、ADA保有者およびステークプールオーナーへの金銭的報酬が構築されます。

2月20日、メインネットをオリジナルのコンセンサスプログラムであるOuroboros Classic…