Cardano is secure against fake stake attacks
Peer-reviewed design means Ouroboros is free from a flaw affecting many proof-of-stake blockchains
2019年 1月 29日 6 分で読めます
Ada is not among the 26 cryptocurrencies identified by US researchers last week as being vulnerable to ‘fake stake’ attacks.
1 The Cardano blockchain underlying Ada is based on proof-of-stake (PoS), but its Ouroboros protocol uses no bitcoin code and is not affected by the PoSv3 problem.2 This is not just good luck, but a consequence of the thorough, formally-verified approach…
An in-depth look at quickcheck-state-machine
2019年 1月 28日 46 分で読めます
Please note: this post originally appeared on the Well-Typed blog. Stateful APIs are everywhere: file systems, databases, widget libraries, the list goes on. Automated testing of such APIs requires generating sequences of API calls, and when we find a failing test, ideally shrinking such a sequence to a minimal test case. Neither the generation nor the shrinking of such…
Backwards-incompatible changes in Cardano 1.4 Wallet API
Matthias Benkort and Jacob Mitchell cover what's new
2018年 12月 18日 4 分で読めます
In this blog, wallet API lead Matthias Benkort explains backwards-incompatible Cardano wallet API changes that are coming in Cardano 1.4, and devOps lead Jacob Mitchell shows how to build a Cardano client with both the old V0 wallet API and the new V1 wallet API, instead of the default option providing only the new API. This blog post is mainly intended for current users of the…
A guide to how Cardano is versioned
Tatyana Valkevych, Darko Mijić, and Jacob Mitchell explain
2018年 12月 18日 6 分で読めます
Cardano, the third-generation blockchain, is evolving. Cardano changes are planned as product increments within Cardano development phases, and are implemented and released as Cardano software. In this blog, product manager Darko Mijic, release manager Tatyana Valkevych and devOps lead Jacob Mitchell clarify how Cardano is versioned as a blockchain product and as software, and…
Launching Plutus and Marlowe at the inaugural PlutusFest
IOHK’s new smart contract tools for developers and financiers
2018年 12月 17日 3 分で読めます
Launching Plutus and Marlowe at the inaugural PlutusFest - Input Output
Last week IOHK hosted the inaugural PlutusFest at the University of Edinburgh. Members of the IOHK team flew in from around the world, with interested academics, developers, financiers, and members of the press also in attendance.
as Lambda Man, PlutusFest style.
IOHK research fellow Philip Wadler opened the event - and his shirt, in traditional Lambda Man style - followed by a keynote from CEO and co-founder…
Cardano憲法:制定会議から批准までの道のり 筆者: Fernando Sanchez
27 February 2025
Plutus TxがPlinthに衣替え 筆者: Ziyang Liu
20 February 2025
IO ResearchのCardanoビジョン、Intersectプロダクト委員会によりフィードバックを求めてコミュニティに提出 筆者: Fergie Miller
5 February 2025