IOHK announces partnership with Georgian government and universities
MoUs mean Cardano and Atala are up for use in education and beyond
2019年 6月 18日 3 分で読めます
I’m in the Georgian capital Tbilisi this week, enjoying the sights and sounds of one of the most innovative regions of the Caucasus. After nearly a year of groundwork, I’m here with IOHK CEO Charles Hoskinson to sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) partnerships with the government and two of Georgia's largest universities. The MoUs with the Ministry of Education, the Free…
Mongolia - great for Atala and Cardano pilots
Ministers and businesses are enthusiastic about blockchain
2019年 5月 16日 5 分で読めます
Think about Mongolia and the image that’s likely to spring to mind is of sweeping grasslands, mountains, freezing winters and nomads. An unlikely place you might think for ground-breaking technology, but in fact it’s a great country to do blockchain pilots. The capital, Ulaanbaatar, has almost tripled in size since 1990 and now accounts for half of the country’s three million…
Cardano 2020: delivering on the vision
New roadmap, product demos, and regular updates will highlight progress
2019年 5月 7日 4 分で読めます
Cardano is in an exciting transition stage. The project has long combined thoughtful product vision with research-driven specification and evidence-based development processes. Still committed to that rigor, we’re now making the jump to a new stage of development where first-ever-in-the-world new capabilities are delivered. The rubber is starting to hit the road. As we are…
Hundreds attend the IOHK Summit 2019 in Miami
New products, Cardano progress and industry issues in focus at event
2019年 4月 29日 7 分で読めます
Government ministers, industry professionals, and Cardano fans were at the IOHK Summit 2019 in Miami this month, excited to hear IOHK CEO Charles Hoskinson outline the future for Cardano and launch Atala, the company’s enterprise offering for business. Hosted at the Miami Beach Convention Center, the summit saw renowned speakers such as computer scientist Stephen Wolfram and…
New Shelley formal specifications complete
Formal specifications for delegation and incentives published
2019年 4月 16日 3 分で読めます
The goal of the Cardano Shelley era is to bring full decentralization to Cardano, moving beyond the federated epoch and handing control of the ledger over to the community via stake pools. As part of the process of delivering Shelley, we create formal specifications which allow us to verify that the final code is in line with what the researchers initially envisaged in their…
Cardano憲法:制定会議から批准までの道のり 筆者: Fernando Sanchez
27 February 2025
Plutus TxがPlinthに衣替え 筆者: Ziyang Liu
20 February 2025
IO ResearchのCardanoビジョン、Intersectプロダクト委員会によりフィードバックを求めてコミュニティに提出 筆者: Fergie Miller
5 February 2025