Blockchain governance - from philosophy and vision to real-world application

Robust and effective community governance lies at the very heart of Cardano's decentralized vision, and Project Catalyst will test the theory this summer.

2020年 8月 5日 Olga Hryniuk 8 分で読めます

Blockchain governance - from philosophy and vision to real-world application

Taking a decentralized approach to governance and decision-making is proving to be more efficient in many spheres than the centralized, authority-based model that became the norm in so many areas in the last century. At IOHK, we believe that blockchain technology offers a way to encourage participation in collective action. And we are building just such a system, so Cardano can…

Improving Haskell’s big numbers support

Work by IOHK engineers is part of the latest release of the Glasgow compiler

2020年 7月 28日 Sylvain Henry 9 分で読めます

Improving Haskell’s big numbers support

Haskell is vital to IOHK’s work in ensuring Cardano is a secure blockchain for the future of decentralized finance. As part of this, we use the language to develop the Plutus smart contract platform, and you may have read about the training courses run by our engineers, including a Haskell course in Mongolia this month. Smart contract applications are a powerful way for a…



2020年 7月 9日 Marcin Szamotulski 7 分で読めます




Cardano Virtual Summit 2020: Shelley Edition

Bringing the global community together under one virtual roof.

2020年 7月 3日 Tim Harrison 5 分で読めます

Cardano Virtual Summit 2020: Shelley Edition

Day One of the Cardano Virtual Summit 2020: Shelley Edition started with a splash. IOHK CEO, Charles Hoskinson, took the stage to welcome almost 10k registered attendees from around the world to the digital conference space. Each participant was met with exhibition areas, lots of virtual hangout space, and most importantly, session programming across five digital stages…

Documenting Cardano: a single source of developer truth, fit for the future

2020年 7月 1日 Tim Harrison 3 分で読めます

Documenting Cardano: a single source of developer truth, fit for the future

With yesterday’s release of the first Shelley-complete node on the Cardano mainnet, a new era has begun. Between this, the launch today of a brand new Cardano website and brand identity, and tomorrow’s Cardano Virtual Summit, the dawn of Shelley is casting fresh light on IOHK's future. It has also highlighted the need for a documentation framework fit for our rapidly growing…