Ensuring ETC Network Security
Ensuring ETC network security - a comparison of 51% Attack Resistance proposals for Ethereum Classic
2020年 10月 23日 4 分で読めます
The Ethereum Classic network suffered from four 51% attacks between 2019 and 2020. Three of those attacks have occurred recently – with just weeks between each other – which resulted in expensive losses for stakeholders due to double spending and service disruption. A number of Ethereum Classic Improvement Proposals (ECIPs) followed after these attacks aiming to provide the…
Five lessons in blockchain governance
Project Catalyst is bringing collective innovation to Cardano.
2020年 10月 15日 6 分で読めます
Project Catalyst is, at its heart, a series of experiments in innovation and governance. Once it was decided to set up a funded system to encourage innovation for Cardano, the IOHK team decided to collaborate with our global community from the start. So, that’s what we did. Now, with two funds already incubating hundreds of proposals and fostering thousands of conversations, we…
Actus smart contracts in Marlowe
Writing in the language of finance, rather than the language of blockchain
2020年 10月 13日 12 分で読めます
In our Developer Deep Dive series of occasional technical blogs, we invite IOHK’s researchers and engineers to discuss their latest work and insights.
Marlowe is a domain-specific language for secure financial smart contracts that is being developed by IOHK for the Goguen capabilities of the Cardano blockchain. Following my introductory post on Marlowe, in this Deep Dive post…
本ブログでは、金融コントラクト用の新言語Marlowe(マーロウ)を紹介し、これがドメイン固有言語(DLS)であることの利点を説明します。Marloweはスマートコントラクト全般ではなく、DSLとして金融コントラクトのみに使用されます。この意味で、SolidityやBitcoin Scriptなど一般的な目的で使用されるブロックチェーン言語とは一線を画しています。
Marloweは業界規模です。Marloweコントラクトは屈指の金融スマートコントラクトプロジェクトであるAlgorithmic Contract Types Unified Standards(Actus)システムのサンプルを基に構築されました。現在、これらをはじめとするサンプルはMarlowe Playground…
Developer challenge: using blockchain to support the UN’s sustainable development goals
IOHK has set up a $10,000 fund to invest in ideas for sustainable development based on Cardano.
2020年 10月 6日 3 分で読めます
Creating a decentralized financial and social operating system for the world is the core mission of Cardano. But it’s not one that we can accomplish alone. That’s why we are always on the lookout for relationships which help us build a global foundation for growth. So, we’re thrilled to announce our hackathon challenge to support the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs…
IO ResearchのCardanoビジョン、Intersectプロダクト委員会によりフィードバックを求めてコミュニティに提出 筆者: Fergie Miller
5 February 2025
Cardanoの次のステップとは 筆者: Mike Ward
29 January 2025
Hyperledger Identus – 過去、現在、未来 筆者: Javier Ribó
27 January 2025