Running Doom on blockchain: a landmark moment for Cardano and Hydra
2024年 8月 16日 13 分で読めます
Doom (1993) is an era defining game. Not just for its contributions towards community participation in gaming, such as distributing a shareware version of the game and an open sourcing of the game engine, but also for bringing gaming (previously a virtually console-exclusive feature) to the mainstream on personal computers.
Appearing in an era of floppy disks and very…
Running Doom on blockchain: a landmark moment for Cardano and Hydra
2024年 8月 16日 13 分で読めます
Doom (1993) is an era defining game. Not just for its contributions towards community participation in gaming, such as distributing a shareware version of the game and an open sourcing of the game engine, but also for bringing gaming (previously a virtually console-exclusive feature) to the mainstream on personal computers.
Appearing in an era of floppy disks and very…
Hydra - 究極のレイヤー2スケーラビリティのためのCardanoのソリューション
2021年 9月 17日 9 分で読めます
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