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Three more thoughts for the day

The past, present, and future of Cardano in the spirit of an olde English counting song

2020年 12月 31日 Anthony Quinn 5 分で読めます

Three more thoughts for the day

We're putting out some thoughts about the past, present and future in the spirit of an olde English counting song. There's one for each of The Twelve Days of Christmas, from December 25 to January 5, and they are being published in batches. Here are three for the next few days.

Day 8. Gerard Moroney, operations director

In the past year, we’ve changed the way we write software for Cardano. Our development philosophy has gone from trying to plan very accurately huge releases to a much more agile process where we release small increments often. We’ve taken a very incremental, step-by-step approach and that has helped build up confidence in our people, in our company, and in the community at large. I…

Three more thoughts for the 12 days

The past, present, and future of Cardano in the spirit of an olde English counting song

2020年 12月 29日 Anthony Quinn 4 分で読めます

Three more thoughts for the 12 days

We're putting out some thoughts about the past, present and future in the spirit of an olde English counting song. There's one for each of The Twelve Days of Christmas, from December 25 to January 5. The first four went out together and here are three for the next few days.

Day 5. Romain Pellerin, technology chief

It’s been a really satisfying year after delivering so much. There was the Byron reboot, then Shelley, and we have just released Allegra for token locking and are preparing Mary for native tokens. We have been digesting years of research and science with strong engineering – and creating a community with the stake pool operators for example. It’s been a very intense year. I am extremely proud of the team and the way they were…

Some thoughts for the next 12 days

The past, present, and future in the spirit of an olde English counting song

2020年 12月 24日 Anthony Quinn 6 分で読めます

Some thoughts for the next 12 days

‘May you live in interesting times’ is a saying that seems apt for these turbulent days. The talk in the past few years has been of disruptive technologies – then along comes the coronavirus to show the human race what disruption really means. And 2020 feels like a watershed time; what happens afterwards will not be the same as what has gone before. As the year ends, though, we…


Duncan CouttsとEdsko de Vriesが紹介する舞台裏

2020年 5月 7日 Anthony Quinn 13 分で読めます


昨年インセンティブ付きテストネットの公開がShelley(シェリー)期の到来を告げて以来、Cardanoプラットフォームの開発スピードは加速しています。Cardano Byron(バイロン)と暗号通貨ADAを30か月にわたりサポートしてきたOuroboros Classic(ウロボロスクラシック)コンセンサスプロトコルは、Cardanoの分散化に伴い初期のShelleyにパワーを与えるプルーフオブステーク(PoS)プロトコルバージョン、Ouroboros Praos(ウロボロスプラオス)にまもなく切り替わります。これにより、ステーキングプロセスに、ADA保有者およびステークプールオーナーへの金銭的報酬が構築されます。

2月20日、メインネットをオリジナルのコンセンサスプログラムであるOuroboros Classic…


CardanoコミュニティにShelley期用IOHK ADAウォレット開発の協力求む

2020年 4月 1日 Anthony Quinn 8 分で読めます


Daedalusチームは、IOHKのウォレットのテストプログラムをADA保有者に開放します。この目的は幅広い人々からの協力を得て、段階的に次のDaedalusリリースに搭載予定の最新インターフェイス機能をテストすることです。これは、Daedalus Flight(ダイダロスフライト)と呼ばれるフル機能搭載のウォレットバージョンで、通常通りADAの送受信を実行できることに加え、チームが各リリースでユーザーエクスペリエンスを向上させるための貴重なフィードバックを得ることを可能にします。

参加を希望者へその詳細をお届けするため、DaedalusプロダクトマネージャーのDarko Mijićに質問してみました。

