The Symphony of Blockchains project comes to Bristol
The groundbreaking immersive blockchain experience was presented at the Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol
2019年 2月 20日 3 分で読めます
The Symphony of Blockchains project had its public debut last week at a packed event in Bristol’s Arnolfini Gallery. Over a hundred visitors took the chance to explore the bitcoin blockchain in full virtual reality (VR), at a joint presentation from IOHK creative partners Kuva and IOHK's creative team. The Symphony project is an educational initiative, with the goal of creating…
How we use Nix at IOHK
2019年 2月 6日 10 分で読めます
IOHK has a history of putting great research into practice. This includes the use of functional programming languages, adoption of formal methods, and — of course — implementing our own peer-reviewed research into blockchain consensus algorithms. We approach the problem of software deployment in similar vein, using ideas which have emerged from recent academic work. This system…
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