A major technical challenge of the cryptocurrencies is to find a way to safely increase the throughput of the system in terms of number of transactions. An approach to tackle this limitation is to review the role of the blockchain, or even to take that data structure out of the picture completely. In this post, we will comment a paper by Boyen, Carr and Haines named Blockchain…
This post tries to give a short overview of provable security in cryptocurrencies.
Provable Security
Provable security is a relatively new area within the cryptography discipline. The first papers in the modern cryptography (the one that starts from the seventies until now) do not have a rigorous security analysis. That is, with the exception of citation of concrete attacks, there is no attempt to meticulously formalize the adversary power and capabilities.For example, the paper "New Directions in Cryptography" by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman, which is considered by most the beginning of modern cryptography (at least the public and civilian one), does not provide such rigorous analysis.
The publications from the cryptographic research…
Mario Larangeira, IOHK Research - Digital Cash
2016年 7月 25日 <1 分で読めます
A major technical challenge of the cryptocurrencies is to find a way to safely increase the throughput of the system in terms of number of transactions. An approach to tackle this limitation is to review the role of the blockchain, or even to take that data structure out of the picture completely. In this post, we will comment a paper by Boyen, Carr and Haines named Blockchain…
This post tries to give a short overview of provable security in cryptocurrencies.
Provable Security
Provable security is a relatively new area within the cryptography discipline. The first papers in the modern cryptography (the one that starts from the seventies until now) do not have a rigorous security analysis. That is, with the exception of citation of concrete attacks, there is no attempt to meticulously formalize the adversary power and capabilities.For example, the paper "New Directions in Cryptography" by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman, which is considered by most the beginning of modern cryptography (at least the public and civilian one), does not provide such rigorous analysis.
The publications from the cryptographic research…
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IO ResearchのCardanoビジョン、Intersectプロダクト委員会によりフィードバックを求めてコミュニティに提出 筆者: Fergie Miller
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Cardanoの次のステップとは 筆者: Mike Ward
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