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Proof-of-Stake Protocol - IOHK

2016年 9月 21日 Bernardo David <1 分で読めます


Proof-of-Stake Protocol - IOHK

This is the regular seminar of the Input Output and Tokyo Tech/Tanaka Laboratory members. The topic this time is the Proof-of-Stake Protocol designed by Aggelos Kiayias, Ioannis Konstantinou, Alexander Russel, Bernardo David and Roman Oliynykov.

Bernardo, the presenter, divided the talk in two parts: the first reviews main topics in Cryptography which would help the viewer to understand the presentation and the protocol itself. Whereas the second is about the protocol itself.

First Part - Cryptography background

  • Commitments
  • Coin Tossing/Guaranteed Output Delivery
  • Verifiable Secret Sharing

Second Part - Proof-of-Stake…