When you starting a Bitcoin node it is downloading all the transactions for more than 7 years in order to check them all. People are often asking in the community resources whether it is possible to avoid that. In a more interesting formulation the question would be “can we get fullnode security without going from genesis block”? The question becomes even more important if we…
Alexander Chepurnoy, IOHK Research - Scorex
2016年 7月 22日 <1 分で読めます
The first Scorex-based testnet, Lagonaki, combines the Permacoin consensus protocol implementation with a simple, Nxt-like payments module. After Lagonaki, the next Scorex-based testnet will be Ergaki, a block chain system that will be used as a public and performant bulletin board for various protocols including voting and auctions. The components of Ergaki are the following:
A new Proof-of-Work scheme based on RollerChain. By default, nodes will follow a "rational behavior", and will remove blocks that are not needed for Proof-of-Work mining. Potentially, a scheme like Ghost/Spectre or Bitcoin-NG/ByzCoin will be used to increase the system's troughput.
A new transactional module where state will be comprised of boxes…
Ergaki, the Next Scorex Testnet
2016年 5月 17日 2 分で読めます
A Scorex application is comprised if core, and Scorex itself is the core functions and module interfaces, and modules. The current testnet, Lagonaki, is made of Permacoin consensus protocol implementation and a simplest Nxt-like payments module. Next testnet release will be called Ergaki. It will be truly experimental and innovative blockchain system intended to be a performant…
プログラム可能なトークンの新設計でCardanoの「凍結と押収」機能を実証 筆者: Jann Müller
12 March 2025
Cardano憲法:制定会議から批准までの道のり 筆者: Fernando Sanchez
27 February 2025
Plutus TxがPlinthに衣替え 筆者: Ziyang Liu
20 February 2025