A Joint Statement on Ethereum Classic’s Monetary Policy
2017年 2月 27日 3 分で読めます
I'd like to thank everyone from the Ethereum Classic community for their support. I'm really excited to present the following statement which is in reference to monetary policy for the ETC platform. The Ethereum Classic community has grown substantially since its inception in July of 2016. In order to further Ethereum Classic’s vision, the community needs to adopt a monetary…
Introducing The Grothendieck Team
2016年 12月 10日 4 分で読めます
The Grothendieck Team
Hi everyone, it's my pleasure to officially announce the new team known as The Grothendieck Team! The team has been named after Alexander Grothendieck, a German-born French mathematician who became a leading figure in the creation of modern algebraic geometry. They have been committed to Ethereum Classic by IOHK in order to build a Scala client for ETC based on IOHK's …
プログラム可能なトークンの新設計でCardanoの「凍結と押収」機能を実証 筆者: Jann Müller
12 March 2025
Cardano憲法:制定会議から批准までの道のり 筆者: Fernando Sanchez
27 February 2025
Plutus TxがPlinthに衣替え 筆者: Ziyang Liu
20 February 2025