ブログ > 2018
Self Organisation in Coin Selection
2018年 7月 3日 18 分で読めます
The term "self organisation" refers to the emergence of complex behaviour (typically in biological systems) from simple rules and random fluctuations. In this blog post we will see how we can take advantage of self organisation to design a simple yet effective coin selection algorithm. Coin selection is the process of selecting unspent outputs in a user's wallet to satisfy a…
IOHK make a visit to Google’s London offices
Googlers keen to talk Cardano and the future of cryptocurrency
2018年 6月 28日 57 分で読めます
Cryptocurrency is one of the most discussed topics of the moment, and whatever people think about it, they all want to know what’s next for the technology. An audience that was no different was at Google, where Charles Hoskinson was invited to talk about Cardano and the future of cryptocurrencies. At the meeting, held at Google’s London headquarters last month, Googlers around…
A major brand refresh for Cardano *
How IOHK Creative redesigned the brand with form following function
2018年 6月 7日 9 分で読めます
In January, Charles Hoskinson messaged to say he’d come across an online video that he wanted us to check out. I took a look at the link he sent, and found that it was indeed eye catching. A cryptocurrency fan had studied Cardano, and had made an animation of its development history. The data visualisation showed each piece of Cardano code appear on the screen as a brightly…
Semi-Formal Development: The Cardano Wallet
2018年 6月 4日 17 分で読めます
Please note: this post originally appeared on the Well-Typed blog.
TL;DR: A combination of formal modelling and testing using QuickCheck is a powerful tool in the design and implementation of high assurance software. Consistency of the model can be checked by testing invariants, and the real implementation can be tested by comparing it against the model.
As part of our consulting work for IOHK, Well-Typed have been working with IOHK on the design and implementation of the new version of the Cardano cryptocurrency wallet. As a crucial component of this process, we have written a semi-formal specification of the wallet: a mathematical model of the wallet along with…
Vision for blockchain in Africa is becoming a reality
Ethiopia and Rwanda keen to realise promise of the technology
2018年 5月 29日 7 分で読めます
Vision for blockchain in Africa is becoming a reality - Input Output
The hope of bringing the benefits of blockchain to Africa has been around even longer than IOHK itself. Founder Charles Hoskinson talked about the promise of the technology driving financial inclusion on the continent in a TEDx speech in 2014. The vision encouraged me to join the Cardano project. This month, IOHK signed an MoU with the Ethiopian government to train and hire…
IO ResearchのCardanoビジョン、Intersectプロダクト委員会によりフィードバックを求めてコミュニティに提出 筆者: Fergie Miller
5 February 2025
Cardanoの次のステップとは 筆者: Mike Ward
29 January 2025
Hyperledger Identus – 過去、現在、未来 筆者: Javier Ribó
27 January 2025