ブログ > 筆者 > Lars Brünjes

Haskell and Cryptocurrency Course in Barbados

Two graduates share their experience of IOHK's functional programming course

2018年 4月 7日 Lars Brünjes 7 分で読めます

Haskell and Cryptocurrency Course in Barbados

The IOHK Haskell and Cryptocurrency course in Barbados brought together students and professionals who were interested in learning the Haskell programming language. The course ran for eight weeks at the University of West Indies. Barbados was the second time the programme was offered, after a successful inaugural course held in Athens last year. The goal of the course is to…

How Cardano's transaction fees work

The mathematician working on the protocol's incentives explains the research and IOHK's design

2017年 10月 19日 Lars Brünjes 4 分で読めます

How Cardano's transaction fees work - Input Output

How Cardano's transaction fees work

Why do we need transaction fees?

There are two main reasons why transaction fees are needed for a cryptocurrency like Cardano:

People who run full Cardano nodes spend time, money and effort to run the protocol, for which they should be compensated and rewarded. In contrast to Bitcoin, where new currency is created with each mined block, in Cardano, transaction fees are the only…



2021年 4月 13日 Lars Brünjes 12 分で読めます




  • 拡張UTXOモデル(EUTXO)
  • Plutus Core(プルータスコア) - Plutusのオンチェーン部分
  • Plutus Application Framework(プルータスアプリケーションフレームワーク:PAF) ‒ スマートコントラクトのやり取りを可能にするPlutusのオフチェーン部分


Iterating for growth with IOHK research

Building key values into the Cardano ecosystem

2020年 6月 25日 Lars Brünjes 11 分で読めます

Iterating for growth with IOHK research

Setting solid parameter values – while maintaining flexibility for the future – will be key to the growth and ongoing decentralization of Cardano. After consulting with the community, and working closely with my colleagues Kevin Hammond and Alex Appledoorn, we believe we’ve identified a good place to start.

The behavior of Cardano Shelley is controlled by around 20 parameters…

How pledging will keep Cardano healthy

Warding off attacks on the decentralized blockchain is just one benefit of the process

2020年 5月 12日 Lars Brünjes 5 分で読めます

How pledging will keep Cardano healthy

As we approach Shelley on the Cardano mainnet, decentralization has, inevitably, become a topic of debate. Regardless of any initial founding intent, proof-of-work cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have become more centralized over time. The early days of Bitcoin enthusiasts mining blocks at the weekend are long gone and today we see a small group of specialized…