ブログ > 筆者 > Alexander Chepurnoy

RollerChain, a Blockchain With Safely Pruneable History

2016年 9月 7日 Alexander Chepurnoy 3 分で読めます

RollerChain, a Blockchain With Safely Pruneable History - Input Output HongKong

RollerChain, a Blockchain With Safely Pruneable History

When you starting a Bitcoin node it is downloading all the transactions for more than 7 years in order to check them all. People are often asking in the community resources whether it is possible to avoid that. In a more interesting formulation the question would be “can we get fullnode security without going from genesis block”? The question becomes even more important if we…

Ergaki, the Next Scorex Testnet

2016年 5月 17日 Alexander Chepurnoy 2 分で読めます

Ergaki, the Next Scorex Testnet - Input Output HongKong

Ergaki, the Next Scorex Testnet

A Scorex application is comprised if core, and Scorex itself is the core functions and module interfaces, and modules. The current testnet, Lagonaki, is made of Permacoin consensus protocol implementation and a simplest Nxt-like payments module. Next testnet release will be called Ergaki. It will be truly experimental and innovative blockchain system intended to be a performant…

Announcing Ergaki - A performant, public bulletin board for voting and auctions

2016年 5月 17日 Alexander Chepurnoy 2 分で読めます

Announcing Ergaki - A performant, public bulletin board for voting and auctions - Input Output HongKong

Announcing Ergaki - A performant, public bulletin board for voting and auctions

The first Scorex-based testnet, Lagonaki, combines the Permacoin consensus protocol implementation with a simple, Nxt-like payments module. After Lagonaki, the next Scorex-based testnet will be Ergaki, a block chain system that will be used as a public and performant bulletin board for various protocols including voting and auctions. The components of Ergaki are the following:

  1. A new Proof-of-Work scheme based on RollerChain. By default, nodes will follow a "rational behavior", and will remove blocks that are not needed for Proof-of-Work mining. Potentially, a scheme like Ghost/Spectre or Bitcoin-NG/ByzCoin will be used to increase the system's troughput.

  2. A new transactional module where state will be comprised of boxes