IOHK | 論文

ライブラリー > Probability of Double Spend Attack for PoS Consensus with Ouroboros Praos Slot Leader Election Procedure

Probability of Double Spend Attack for PoS Consensus with Ouroboros Praos Slot Leader Election Procedure

June/2024, CECC '24


The paper obtains upper estimates for the probability of a double spend attack on Proof-of- Stake consensus with Ouroboros Praos protocol for slot leader election. In compare with simplified models of PoS consensus, considered before in [2], we investigate two models (named Model 1 and Model 2), taking into account all features of Ouroboros Praos protocol [1]: slot creation function, active slot coefficient, possibility of empty slots and slots with multiple slot leaders (both honest and malicious), non-linear dependence between stake ratio and probability to become slot leader in some timeslot, end even non-zero synchronization time (for Model 2), measured in timeslots. In Model 1 (with zero synchronization time), we obtain explicit formulas for the exact double spend attack probability value. In Model 2 (with non-zero synchronization time), we have to make some simplification assumption in favor of the adversary. As a result, we get an upper probability estimation, using so-called dominated distribution.