Input | Output (IO) at Rare Evo 2024: blockchain innovation and demon slaying in the neon city
14 August 2024 5 mins read
Input | Output (IO) will attend Rare Evo 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada, taking place from 15-17 August. A blockchain convention created to ‘celebrate around the theme of interoperability and the convergence of traditional industry with Web3 technology’, the Cardano Foundation and Emurgo will also attend, as will teams from Project Catalyst, Midnight, and the member-based…
A comprehensive guide to Marlowe's security: audit outcomes, built-in functional restrictions, and ledger security features
Learn about what makes Marlowe a secure smart contract development platform
27 June 2023 19 mins read
Disclaimer: The content in this Marlowe Security article is provided “AS IS” with no guarantees of any kind. Nothing in this document is intended to be professional advice, including without limitation, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Input Output Global is not responsible for your use of or reliance on any information in this document.
In most…
Marlowe goes live: be the first to explore the power of Marlowe's smart contract toolset
Marlowe offers a set of tools to build and run smart contracts, and is now available on the Cardano mainnet. Explore, create, and deploy your Marlowe smart contracts today
1 June 2023 7 mins read
Now that Marlowe has been audited and deployed to the Cardano mainnet, it's the perfect opportunity for early adopters to begin exploring and testing Marlowe's high-assurance capabilities.
Marlowe offers developers intuitive solutions to create, test, deploy, and monetize secure smart contracts with ease, empowering users to unlock the full potential of decentralized…
Valentine upgrade FAQ
A set of frequently asked questions about the recent Valentine upgrade.
27 February 2023 3 mins read
Q - What does the Valentine intra-era hard fork achieve?
A - To enable building efficient cross-chain applications, new built-in functions have been added to support ECDSA and Schnorr signatures along with Cardano’s native signature. Once implemented, these functions will become native to Cardano. An added advantage is that security audits by experts will ensure the highest…
- Edinburgh Decentralization Index (EDI) will be based on a methodology developed at a leading UK university
- EDI will be the first index of its kind, and calculated continuously to track the fast-moving blockchain market
- EDI could protect users against opaque centralization of blockchain projects
Edinburgh, UK, November 18, 2022: Input Output Global, Inc. (IOG), one of the builders of Cardano, the leading proof of stake blockchain, has partnered with the University of Edinburgh, one of the most highly rated academic…
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