From Classic to Chronos: the implementations of Ouroboros explained
Ouroboros is the consensus protocol of Cardano. Here, we explain what it does and how it’s evolving
3 June 2022 9 mins read
This post is an updated version of the original (created by Kieran Costello) that has been updated to cover new protocol versions.
You have probably heard a lot about Ouroboros: the ground-breaking proof-of-stake consensus protocol used by Cardano. Developed as a more energy-efficient and sustainable alternative to proof of work, upon which earlier cryptocurrencies – Bitcoin and, currently, Ethereum – are built, Ouroboros was the first blockchain consensus protocol to be developed through peer-reviewed research.
Led by Prof. Aggelos Kiayias of the University of Edinburgh, Ouroboros and its subsequent implementations provide a new baseline to solve some of the world’s greatest challenges, securely and at scale.
Yet recognition begins with education. This article presents an overview of how Ouroboros works. It examines the tangibles and covers what each implementation introduces, to further the community’s understanding of the protocol, and illustrates why it’s such a game-changer. A detailed analysis of each implementation can be found in the corresponding papers below. For a broad-stroke explanation of Ouroboros and its implementations, however, read on.
A word on consensus protocols, and why Ouroboros is different
It’s reasonable to assume that anybody new to the space might be confused by the term 'consensus protocol'. Put simply, a consensus protocol is the system of laws and parameters that govern the behavior of distributed ledgers: a ruleset by which each network participant plays to reach an agreement with everyone else.
Public blockchains aren’t controlled by any single, central authority. Instead, a consensus protocol is used to allow distributed network participants to agree on the history of the network captured on the blockchain – to reach a consensus on what has happened, and continue from a single source of truth.
That single source of truth provides a single record. This is why blockchains are sometimes referred to as trustless: instead of requiring participants to trust one another, trust is built into the protocol. Unknown actors may interact and transact with each other without relying on an intermediary to mediate, or for there to be a prerequisite exchange of personal data.
Ouroboros is a proof-of-stake protocol, which is distinct from proof of work. Rather than relying on 'miners' to solve computationally complex equations to create new blocks – and rewarding the first to do so – proof of stake selects participants (in the case of Cardano, stake pools) to create new blocks based on the stake they control in the network.
Networks using Ouroboros are many times more energy-efficient than those using proof of work – and, through Ouroboros, Cardano is able to achieve unparalleled energy efficiency. As of 2022, Bitcoin, for example, requires 204.50 TWh per year which is comparable to the power consumption of Thailand. Ouroboros, on the other hand, runs a Raspberry Pi, which has a power consumption of 15 to 18W (watts). The resulting difference in energy use can be analogized to that between a household and a country: one can be scaled to the mass market; the other cannot.
Now, let’s take a closer look at how the Ouroboros protocol works, and what each new implementation adds.
Ouroboros Classic
Let’s start with Ouroboros: the first implementation of the Ouroboros protocol, published in 2017. This first implementation (referred to as Ouroboros Classic) laid the foundations for the protocol as an energy-efficient rival to proof of work, introduced the mathematical framework to analyze proof of stake, and introduced a novel incentive mechanism to reward participants in a proof-of-stake setting.
More than this, however, what separated Ouroboros from other blockchains, and, specifically, proof-of-stake protocols was its ability to generate unbiased randomness in the protocol’s leader selection algorithm, and the subsequent security assurances that provided. Randomness prevents the formation of patterns and is a critical part of maintaining the protocol’s security. Whenever a behavior can be predicted, it can be exploited – and though Ouroboros ensures transparency, it prevents coercion. Significantly, Ouroboros was the first blockchain protocol to be developed with this type of rigorous security analysis.
How Ouroboros works
A comprehensive explanation of how Ouroboros works can be found in its research paper. Ouroboros divides time on Cardano into epochs where each epoch is divided into slots. A slot is a short period of time in which a block can be created and grouping slots into epochs is central to adjusting the leader election process to the dynamically changing stake distribution.
Central to Ouroboros’ design is that it must retain its security in the presence of attacks. As such, the protocol has built-in tolerance to prevent attackers from propagating alternative versions of the blockchain and assumes that an adversary may send arbitrary messages to any participant at any time. In fact, the protocol is guaranteed to be secure in the so-called synchronous setting (that is, with strong guarantees on message delivery times) so long as more than 51% of the stake is controlled by honest participants (that is, those following the protocol).
A slot leader is elected for each slot, who is responsible for adding a block to the chain and passing it to the next slot leader. To protect against adversarial attempts to subvert the protocol, each new slot leader is required to consider the last few blocks of the received chain as transient: only the chain that precedes the prespecified number of transient blocks is considered settled. This is also referred to as the settlement delay. Among other things, this means that a stakeholder can go offline and still be synced to the blockchain, so long as it’s not for more than the settlement delay.
Within the Ouroboros protocol, each network node stores a copy of the transaction mempool – where transactions are added if they are consistent with existing transactions – and the blockchain. The locally stored blockchain is replaced when the node becomes aware of an alternative, longer valid chain.
The drawback of Ouroboros Classic was that it was susceptible to adaptive attackers – a significant threat in a real-world setting that was resolved with Ouroboros Praos – and had no secure way for a new participant to bootstrap from the blockchain, which was resolved with Ouroboros Genesis.
Ouroboros BFT
Ouroboros BFT came next, derived as a simple special case from the analysis of Classic. Ouroboros BFT (Byzantine Fault Tolerance) is a simple protocol that was used by Cardano during the Byron reboot, which was the transition of the old Cardano codebase to the new. Ouroboros BFT helped prepare Cardano’s network for Shelley’s release and, with that, its decentralization.
Rather than requiring nodes to be online all of the time, Ouroboros BFT assumed a federated network of servers and synchronous communication between the servers for building the blockchain. In this federated setting, it is a consensus protocol that is attractive due to its simplicity and deterministic nature. It is worth noting that BFT required a larger fraction of honest parties than other Ouroboros versions.
Ouroboros Praos
Ouroboros Praos builds upon – and provides substantial security and scalability improvements to – Ouroboros Classic.
As with Ouroboros Classic, Ouroboros Praos processes transaction blocks by dividing chains into slots, which are aggregated into epochs. Unlike Ouroboros Classic, however, Praos is analyzed in a semi-synchronous setting and is secure against adaptive attackers.
It assumes two possibilities: that adversaries can delay honest participant messages for longer than one slot, and that an adversary may send arbitrary messages to any participant at any time.
Through private-leader selection and forward-secure, key-evolving signatures, Praos provides better epoch randomness and ensures that a strong adversary cannot predict the next slot leader and launch a focused attack (such as a DDoS attack) to subvert the protocol. Praos is also able to tolerate adversarially-controlled message delivery delays and gradual corruption of individual participants in an evolving stakeholder population, which is critical for maintaining network security in a global setting, provided that an honest majority of stake is maintained.
Ouroboros Genesis
Then, there is Ouroboros Genesis. Genesis further improves upon Ouroboros Praos by adding a novel chain selection rule, which enables parties to bootstrap from a genesis block – without, significantly, the need for trusted checkpoints or assumptions about past availability. Genesis also provides proof of the protocol’s Universal Composability, which demonstrates that the protocol can be composed with other protocols in arbitrary configurations in a real-world setting, without losing its security properties. This significantly contributes to its security and sustainability, and that of the networks using it.
Ouroboros Crypsinous
Ouroboros Crypsinous equips Genesis with privacy-preserving properties. It is the first formally analyzed privacy-preserving proof-of-stake blockchain protocol, which achieves security against adaptive attacks while maintaining strong privacy guarantees by introducing a new coin evolution technique relying on SNARKs and key-private forward-secure encryption. Crypsinous isn’t currently planned to be implemented on Cardano, but it can be used by other chains for increased privacy-preserving settings.
Ouroboros Chronos
Last but not least is Ouroboros Chronos. Chronos achieves two goals: first, it shows how blockchain protocols can synchronize clocks securely via a novel time synchronization mechanism and thereby become independent of external time services. Second, it is a cryptographically secure blockchain protocol that additionally provides a cryptographically secure source of time to other protocols. In short, Chronos makes the ledger more resistant to attacks that target time information.
From an application point of view, Chronos can dramatically boost the resilience of critical telecommunications, transport, and other IT infrastructures that require the synchronization of local time to a unified network clock that has no single point of failure.
The future of Ouroboros
Ouroboros, named after the symbol of infinity, is the backbone of the Cardano ecosystem. The protocol serves as a foundation and staging point for self-propagating systems that cyclically transform and grow, supplanting existing systems – financial and otherwise – and disintermediating the power structures upon which they rely. It is the beginning of a new standard, defined not from the center but, instead, from the margins.
Currently, Cardano operates based on Ouroboros Praos. Genesis is being implemented for 2022 after which the ledger will be upgraded to support Ouroboros Chronos.
Its future is as its past: a tireless effort to explore, iterate, optimize, and drive positive change through rigorous research. Each step in Ouroboros’ journey is a new evolution, which takes us closer to the vision of a fairer, securer, and more sustainable world.
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