Making education in Africa more accessible, affordable, and equitable
Announcing a new strategic partnership between IOHK and the European Business University of Luxembourg (EBU)
24 August 2021 4 mins read
We are pleased to announce a new and exciting partnership between IOHK and the European Business University of Luxembourg (EBU) to make education accessible for everyone in developing countries.
EBU is a renowned educational provider and non profit organization dedicated to higher education and certificate programs. They are partnered with over 36 key global organizations and…
Cardano Stack Exchange: a growing and vibrant community developer resource
Learn about this dedicated community hub that supports Cardano developers
19 August 2021 4 mins read
The Cardano ecosystem is committed to supporting and growing our developer community. A vibrant, informed community is essential to the development of a decentralized, functional ecosystem with a diverse user base. In line with our open-source approach, as we evolve Cardano together, everyone can benefit from its decentralized financial solutions while delivering best-in-class…
Djed: implementing algorithmic stablecoins for proven price stability
Djed is the first coin to use formal verification to eliminate price volatility
18 August 2021 7 mins read
Cryptocurrency volatility is one of the obstacles to its wider adoption. Blockchain technologies provide benefits such as transparency, data immutability, and proven security of financial operations. Yet, it is harder than fiat currencies to predict how the market will behave, or forecast the value of a digital currency. This hinders using cryptocurrencies as accounting and…
Why they’re calling Cardano ‘the green blockchain’
Staking process avoids the massive energy use and hardware pollution caused by Bitcoin and Ethereum mining
17 August 2021 4 mins read
Ever since Satoshi Nakamoto published the Bitcoin whitepaper in 2008, Bitcoin has had its fair share of controversy, often being in the limelight for the wrong reasons. The biggest criticism is how much the mining activities of Bitcoin’s protocol, based on proof of useless work, are damaging the environment. Turns out, well, a lot.
At the time of writing, Digicomist estimates that mining consumes 99.37 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity annually. To put this figure into perspective, that’s 0.55% of the electricity produced in the world each year, enough to run a country such as Malaysia or Sweden…
Project Catalyst Fund6 – our biggest, boldest & best Cardano community innovation fund yet
Our exciting experiment continues with new challenges, new features and a $4m fund
13 August 2021 3 mins read
This week, we launched Project Catalyst Fund6, with $4m worth of ada available. Proposers can submit proposals for projects that received funding to address real-world challenges and help to build Cardano’s ecosystem.
Fund6 is our most ambitious fund yet, with more funding being distributed in Fund6 than in all the previous funds combined. For Fund6, we expect around 150 new…
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